Aeration systems and disc diffusers, fine bubble disc diffusers and coarse disc diffusers.

Oxygen supply and aeration systems are both critical and qualifying points of any civil or industrial aerobic biological waste water treatment.
The reliability and the performances of an aeration system are decisive factors affecting the choice and design of the system itself since most of the overall energetic consumption in biologic waste water treatment stations is imputable to the aeration of the biological reactor.
Oxygen transfer efficiency is then an economic value, and it even overcomes the initial costs of the installation because of the quick pay-back. On the contrary, a lacking in efficiency aeration system requires considerable energetic costs and, very often, carrying out poor treatment capacity.
Our experience in designing and supplying aeration systems dates back to 1985 and since then we always selected the most competitive, reliable and innovative technologies and products so to grant the targets of any of our projects.
Besides supplying membrane diffusers and components, we design and manufacture complete air diffusion networks and systems for waste water treatments.
All systems are supplied with complete engineering drawings, O&M manuals and warranty certificates.
Disc diffusers for aeration systems Disc diffusers for aeration system
Envotech Ltd. fully designs and delivers an aeration system for a biologic treatment for a large machine-building plant in Italy.
Besides supplying membranes, diffusers and whole diffusion nets, we can perform start up and optional services as oxygen transfer tests, oxygen consumption rate (OUR test), mass balances, microscopic investigations for bacterial activity detection, bacterial species identification, Jenkins index and any other biological survey on any bio-reactor.

Aeration disc diffusers                                          Aeration disc diffusers       
































  • Biological treatment: conventional biological treatment tanks, and extended aeration process
  • Aeration of sludge and mixing

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